Ingram Adventures

Newlyweds at large.

A windy start to the day! November 19, 2006

Filed under: Blogroll,Honeymoon,Ireland — ingrid @ 3:33 am

Since Chris is being slow this morning (his words, not mine!), I thought I’d post one more while I can.  The plans for today include mostly driving.   We are going to be leaving the Dingle Peninsula and heading north now, towards Limerick and Galway.  Today is our “up in the air” day because we don’t have a pre-planned place to stay.  We are just going to drive as far north as we can get so that tomorrow we’re in position for more exploring.   We do have a few highlights for today though with the first being a drive through Connor Pass.  It’s another very narrow road that winds up through the mountains.  I’m a little nervous about that drive because the wind has been whipping against the window all night. We’re going to ask our hostess if it’s a safe drive when we go down to breakfast.   Once through the Connor pass, we continue our drive past the Stacks mountains and then  we’re taking a ferry at a town called Tarbert across the River Shannon.  Once on the other side, we head towards Kilkee where the cliff views are supposed to rival the Cliffs of Moher, which is a planned stop for later today.  At about that time it should be late in the day and just about time to bunk down for the night. 

I’ll leave you with a couple more pictures.


Here in Dingle the sheep have stripes!


Can I come out of the dungeon yet?

Time to go again.  Chris is ready, our stomachs are growling and breakfast is calling.  

Talk to you soon!